Double glazing repairs
A common problem with double glazed units is that over time they can become misty , show droplets of condensation inside, or other signs of failed units such as cloudiness or cracks. When these problems arise they can reduce the visibility through your windows but also the insulation efficiency, and not least, the security of your property.
It’s always best to address the issues through a specialist like us, because these units are not easy to fit correctly, and can lead to unnecessary expense if not done properly with the correct tools and fitting.
Factors to consider if your windows and doors are not working properly:
• Heat Loss – Higher than necessary energy bills
• Poor Visibility – A source of irritation every time you look through your windows!
• Sound Insulation Loss – higher road noise from outside.
• Security Issues – Unsecure windows and doors may invalidate house insurance.
At WGLS we work locally throughout Worcestershire. This way we keep our overheads down, use local suppliers and are easily at hand when you need us. As we don’t normally need to replace the complete window frame, your windows can be fitted with new sealed units, installed and fitted by our trained personnel.